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 This is an online E-log entry blog to discuss and understand the clinical data analysis of a patient, to develop competency in comprehending clinical problems, and providing evidence- based inputs in order to come up with a diagnosis and effective treatment plan to the best of my ability.

A 22 year old female, R/O Nakrekal, currently a student, came with the chief complaints of

1. Rashes all over her body since 5 days

2. Facial puffiness since 3 days


The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back when she developed rashes over her legs and arms and abdomen after contact with something in her family's lemon field. For this, they visited a local doctor the next day, who prescribed her steroid ointment (halobetasol propionate) and oral medication, which she took for 10 days. The rashes subsided, however, blackish discoloration remained over the skin. 

10 days back she developed fever which was high grade, intermittent in nature, associated chills and rigors and generalised body pains. 

Additionally, she also developed vomiting 10 days ago (non bilious, nonprojectile), with 4-5 episodes per day. 

She went to a local RMP 8 days back for the fever and vomiting, where she was diagnosed with typhoid associated with jaundice. She was treated symptomatically for the fever- given saline IV and paracetamol. She was asked to come back for a follow up to treat the typhoid once the fever subsided. 

Her family had heard from her neighbourhood that jaundice can be cured by local herbal medication (livfit syrup?) and hence, went to the Ayurvedic doctor 6 days ago in the morning for the same. She took the medication the same day in the morning. 

The next day morning (5 days ago), she woke up to see rashes all over her body which was itching and burning in nature. The rashes were red, of variable size, non-blanching in nature, and were noted all over her body ie over her limbs, chest, abdomen, back and groin. Palms and soles were spared. 

On the same day, she went to the local Nakrekal hospital for the rashes, where they gave her soap, lotion and saline.

 However, her condition was not improving. So, the next day evening (4 days ago), she went to the Suryapet hospital, where she was prescribed doxycycline, sucralfate and lotion, after which the itching deceased but the erythema and rashes remained. 

The next day (3days ago) she developed edema in the perioral region along with mild dysphagia, with mild generalised edema all over her body. Additionally, she had two episodes of dizziness while walking to the bathroom, with blurring of vision. Hence, she was brought to our hospital.

No contact with any known typhoid patient

No H/O cold, cough, abd pain.

Normal daily routine:

Wakes up at 6am, attends her coaching class in a hostel followed by studying for the rest of the day. Currently preparing for civils. 

Studied through her fever and vomiting episodes on the first two days, without taking rest as she was having exams.  


One month ago, she got similar rashes on her exposed areas (on the arms and legs) while walking through a lemon field. For this, she took steroids.

No history of DM, HTN, Asthma, TB, epilepsy


Diet: Mixed

Appetite: Normal

Sleep: Adequate

Bowel and bladder movements: hard stools being passed once every 2 days  

No addictions


No known drug allergies

Steroids one month back for 10 days

She took saline and paracetamol 8 days back.

Herbal medication 6 days back.

Saline, soap, lotion 5 days back.

Doxycycline, sucralfate, lotion 4 days back




Patient was examined in a well lit room with informed consent. 

She was conscious, coherent, co-operative; well oriented to time, person and place.

Moderately built, well nourished.

Pallor: absent

Icterus: present

Cyanosis: absent

Clubbing: absent

Lymphadenopathy: absent

Edema: present periorally 

PR: 120bpm

BP: 90/70mmHg

RR: 20cpm

TEMP: Afebrile

SpO2: 99% at RA


CVS: S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

Respiratory: BAE positive, NVBS heard

P/A: Soft, nontender

CNS: No abnormalities detected

Cutaneous examination: Diffuse erythematous non-blanchable purpura of variable size noted all over body. Facial edema noted. No oral or genital mucosal involvement. 


CBP on 26/10/2021:

Impressions following investigations:

1. Raised LFTs (all except A:G ratio)

2. Raised LDH

3. Absolute eosinophil count Normal

4. Raised TLC, lymphocytosis

5. Mild hyponatremia, hypochloremia

6. USG Abdomen: Gall Bladder wall edema, Mild splenomegaly, Minimal ascites

7. COOMBS test: DCT positive; ICT negative


1. Inj. Optineuron 1amp in 100 NS/IV/OD

2. Tab. UDILIV 300mg PO/BD

3. Tab. HEPAMERZ 150mg PO/BD

4. Lactulose 15ml/PO/OD

5. Tab. ATARAX 25mg PO/OD

6. Tab. PCM 500mg PO/SOS

7. Lenosia max lotion BD 

8. BP, PR, SpO2, temp charting


 Zincovit, riboflavin, levofloxacin, FALCIGO added to treatment

DAY 5: 1/11/21

Antimalarial drugs stopped
Ceftriaxone 1gm IV/BD added

Differential diagnosis: 
? hepatitis secondary to drug induced hemolytic anemia
? Lichen planus


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