This is an online E-log entry blog to discuss and understand the clinical data analysis of a patient, to develop competency in comprehending clinical problems, and providing evidence- based inputs in order to come up with a diagnosis and effective treatment plan to the best of my ability. A 63 year old female, resident of chittiyala and a milkmaid by occupation came to the OPD with the chief complaints of Pain in the right distal phalanges since 2 months Dryness of mouth and inability to swallow since 2 months History of dizziness since 10 days Drowsiness since 1 week Generalized weakness since 1 year Ear pain and ringing sensation in ears on and off since 2 months HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS The patient had a stroke at 5 months of age after which she had deviation of angle of mouth for which she took herbal medication. 3 years back when she had a pain in the left lower limb which was associated with redness and...